Lingerie Retail Training Courses

Lingerie Retail Training Courses

Introduction to Lingerie Retail

A one day course providing an overview of the key components of success. Including bra fitting, lingerie sales training , lingerie customer service training, buying, marketing, people management and operations.

Advanced Lingerie Retail

A more comprehensive one or two day course providing more detailed training on each of the key components of success. Including business planning, bra fitting, lingerie sales training, lingerie customer service training , buying, marketing, people management and operations. With an additional focus on developing immediate action plans for your business.

We’ll listen to what you need

Connect with us now to ensure you get exactly what you need from Pudding’s Lingerie Retail Training Courses.

For more detail in all these areas, individual in depth lingerie retail training modules are also available:

Call today

Talk with us now to ensure you get exactly what you need from Pudding’s Lingerie Retail Training Courses.